Long Time Supporter of Enterprise Zones Appointed Democratic Whip of Califoria Assembly

Assemblyman V. Manuel Pérez (D-Coachella) was appointed the Democratic Whip of the California State Assembly on Monday as part of the new leadership team of State Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez.
Prior to this appointment, the new Democratic Whip served as Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy.  He has been a strong and vocal supporter of the California Enterprise Zone program for years.

“Among his first actions of the 2013 session, Pérez introduced AB 28, a bill that adds accountability and transparency measures to the California Enterprise Zone program, a state program designed to attract business investment and support job creation in low-income and underserved communities. Since his election to the State Assembly in 2008 and throughout his tenure as chair of the Assembly Jobs Committee, Pérez has been a vocal advocate to protect and strengthen this economic development program.”

Read more in the Imperial Valley News.

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